Entrepreneurial Fund

Our Mission

Our mission is to support ASB student-led aspiring early-stage business projects through competition prizes, microgrants, angel pre-seed and venture funding to help transform them from ideation to reality.

Program Types:

1- Annual Competition Prize

2- Microgrants

3- Venture Funding

4- Women-led Grants

5- Angel Pre-seed Funding

Target Fund Size: $1M

Annual Competition Prize

The Investor Lab Competition Prize is an annual competition crowning the Capstone component of our MBA program. Upon successful completion of the Capstone project, our students have the opportunity to apply to the annual competition in a chance to win prizes to help with their innovative and socially impactful projects. The motto at ASB is “Do Well and Do Good”. This prize is aimed at encouraging projects that embody our motto. This prestigious annual competition is an exciting opportunity which allows our students to showcase their ideas, compete for funding, gain input from mentors, exposure to investors, and receiving public recognition for their projects.

Competition Details

Number of Teams:

5 to 8 teams are invited to pitch.


All ASB students.

This fund offers two prizes:

a first-place prize and a second-place prize.

Competition Rules

Each team has 3 minutes to pitch their project.

Judges have 3 minutes to ask questions.

Judges have 3 minutes to provide feedback.

At the conclusion of the event, the judges will announce the winners.

Scoring Rubric:

Teams will be evaluated based on:

Strength of team profile

Strength of idea

Strength of social impact locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally

Business model, technology, and target market

Market validation

Strength of presentation

A clearly defined plan for use of the prize funds, and a post-competition detailed report explaining how the funds were spent, the impact it had on advancing the project, and what the next steps of the project will be

Students may be required to setup an LLC to receive the cash prize

Competition Application Process:

1 | ASB Students interested in the competition must apply using an application form provided by our team.

2 | Students must submit a 3–5-minute video pitch highlighting:

A | The idea and its current status (ideation, MVP, beta users, traction, revenue generation).

B | Problem and opportunities: evidence-based.

C | Team profile (role and skillset).

D | Future goals and how the prize funds will be used?

E | Social Impact of the project locally, nationally, regionally, or internationally.

For inquiries, please email us at entrepreneurs@asb.ac

Need-based Scholarship

Need based scholarship is based on the applicants’ financial situation – Persons with a verified disability and/or financial need.

How to apply:

  • Complete the financial aid application (embedded in the admission application form), fill all the sections, and upload all the required documents. Missing information or documents is not accepted and will be deemed incomplete.


To be eligible for our need-based scholarship, you are required:

  • To be a full-time MBA student
  • Not to be on probation and maintain a minimum cumulative grade of B.
  • To submit the last 3-month payment slip/ HR letter stating your monthly salary and all other variables (bonus, profit share and similar)
  • To demonstrate financial need by providing any of the following or similar supporting documents:
    1. Expenses like rental contract
    2. Loans or instalment statements
    3. Retired parents and official pension letters
    4. Medical reports

For Scholarships offered in partnership with Gemini Africa, please contact Gemini Africa for more information and the application procedure.

Social impact Scholarship Program in partnership with Gemini Africa

Central to Agora School of Business is our commitment to creating a platform for students to learn how businesses can create socioeconomic and environmental impact that elevates communities and serves the needs of society. The Social Impact Program (SIP) is designed to equip our students with the business tools, industry collaboration, and mentorship to advance their ideas and projects into sustainable success and growth.


  • As part of our commitment to enabling our students to do good and to do good well, ASB is granting qualified students a full or partial tuition scholarship for the ASB MBA program.
  • Along with the scholarship, students enrolled into the program will be granted the opportunity to meet with faculty and industry partners to be mentored through SIP’s Social Innovation Practicum, where students immerse themselves in a social issue of common concern and develop a business model in response.


  • Qualifying candidates must apply for the ASB Social Impact Program prior to their enrolment as MBA students.
  • Candidates must showcase their commitment to social impact as part of their application submission to the program or be members of initiatives or projects already making a positive impact to their societies.


To be eligible for our SIP scholarship, you are required:

  • To be a full-time MBA student
  • Not to be on probation and maintain a minimum cumulative grade of B.
  • To submit the last 3-month payment slip/ HR letter stating your monthly salary and all other variables (bonus, profit share and similar)
  • To hold a bachelor’s degree
  • To submit an official transcript with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • To have shown incredible extracurricular activities
  • Submit a project idea that serves the socio-economical and environmental domain in Egypt

For Scholarships offered in partnership with Gemini Africa, please contact Gemini Africa for more information and the application procedure.

Merit-based scholarship

This is a form of financial assistance that is given based on the candidates’ skills and academic accomplishments.

How to apply:

  • Complete the application (embedded in the admission application form), fill all the sections, and upload all the required documents. Missing information or documents is not accepted and will be deemed incomplete.


To be eligible for our Merit-based scholarship, you are required:

  • To be a full-time MBA student
  • Not to be on probation and maintain a minimum cumulative grade of B.
  • To submit the last 3-month payment slip/ HR letter stating your monthly salary and all other variables (bonus, profit share and similar)
  • To hold a bachelor’s degree
  • To submit an official transcript with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • To have shown incredible extracurricular activities

For Scholarships offered in partnership with Gemini Africa, please contact Gemini Africa for more information and the application procedure.